Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Howto write to stdout XY

how to use python to write to a certain location (x,y) on the stdout (terminal):
copied form here
import sys
def print_there(x, y, text):
     sys.stdout.write("\x1b7\x1b[%d;%df%s\x1b8" % (x, y, text))

Creating a software raid

1. format the hard drives to raid using fdisk (gdisk in fedora 17)
or with parted (for 3TB disks):

> parted /dev/sdx
        (parted) mklabel gpt
        (parted) unit TB
        (parted) mkpart primary 0 3001G
        (parted) print
        (parted) quit

2. Create the raid device (change level and devices as needed):
mdadm --create --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/md0 /dev/sd[bc]1
3. format the file system of the new device:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0
4. create the mdadm.conf file:
mdadm --detail --scan > /etc/mdadm.conf
5. add mail alert:
echo "MAILADDR your_mail@somthing.com" >> /etc/mdadm.conf
echo "MAILFROM your_server" >> /etc/mdadm.conf
6. test mail alert:
mdadm --monitor --scan --test --oneshot
7. start mail alert deamon:
systemctl enable mdmonitor.service
systemctl start mdmonitor.service
8. edit the mail aliases file to forward root messages to your email:
vi /etc/aliases
add your mail under the line:  # Person who should get root's mail
run newaliases command
see also at:

* after name change, create the /etc/mdadm.conf file and run:
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo dracut -f /boot/initramfs-[current].img

Monday, August 27, 2012

Installing Fedora Core 17

based on my-guides post-install post

1. Add to sudo:
> su --login -c 'visudo'
add under the line:
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
the line:
username ALL=(ALL)      ALL
and remove the sign # from the line with %wheel
save and test using the line:
> sudo whoami
(answer should be root)
2. Disable SeLinux and firewall:
> sudo vi  /etc/selinux/config
change enabled to disabled
> sudo systemctl disable iptables.service
> sudo systemctl stop iptables.service
3. change autologin for user:
sudo vi /etc/gdm/custom.conf
under [daemon], add:
4. Switch to gnome3 fallback mode:
> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name 'gnome-fallback'
5. enable sshd:
>sudo systemctl enable sshd.service
> sudo systemctl start sshd.service

6. auto rotate screen on login:
add to .profile on home:
xrandr --output VGA-1 --rotate left
7.add daily update report (as root):
following this:
> vi /etc/cron.daily/yum_update_note

if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/yum ] ; then
        msg=`/usr/bin/yum check-update 2>&1`
        i=`echo "$msg" | wc -l`
        if ((i>1)); then
                echo "$msg" | /bin/mail -s "yum check-update output" root

and chnage mode for executable:

> sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/yum_update_note