Monday, May 25, 2009

HowTo view a ROI PAC file? (or "replacement for mdx")

The Problem:
I can't get mdx/dgx in order to view my ROI PAC files.
The Solution:
a Python script called roiview (Get RoiView at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads) wich is one of my other scripts.
This script uses pylab and can read, display and save images of ROI PAC quite similar to mdx/dgx.
it can handle *.unw, *.cor, *.slc, *.int and *.dem files.
just download, extract and use:
"roiview -h" for manual.
Update! Oct 13, 2010: A new version of RoiView (0.75) is now available at: Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

HowTo Create a SRTM DEM for ROI PAC Processing

When Processing interferograms, usually, you will also require a DEM. The NASA's SRTM project is freely available from different places in different formats and levels. The latest version for now (IV) is available from CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information.
in order to ease the DEM production for a research, I wrote a small Python script. The script will create a DEM with 1 deg to each side of the center of scene requested. It will create a ROI PAC header as well. there is an option to create a JPG image of shaded relief of the imag. You will need Python to be installed and also PyLab and PIL modules.

simply download (zip,2.9kb) from my scripts page, change permission to execute, and run it...

Don't forget to credit CGIAR for the data. Citations should be made as follows: Jarvis A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled seamless SRTM data V4, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Using HighLearn & Linux

The Problem:
Can't use HighLearn on Linux with firefox.
This e-learning system of some of the academic institutions in Israel is Microsoft explorer based. It is a very unfortunate setting for linux users. I hope they will change the system soon. Probably they won't...

The Solution:
Thanks to a tip from a friend, I google it up and discovered this thread (Hebrew) which suggest using konqueror.
Just install Greasemonkey on your firefox, restart firefox and click "Install" Here.

Note! not all the features are working yet.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Howto view an image in Google Earth

The Problem:
I have an image I wish to view on Google Earth.

The Solution:
I assume you have an image in jpg or tiff or gif format. and you have a world file for it or can create one. Then, all you need to do is to run the image2kml.csh script.
just download (~1kb), apply execution privilege (chmod +x [ScriptFileName])
and run it. or visit my scripts page
gif format image can support transparency you can use GIMP or other image manipulation program to turn unwanted parts of the image to be transparent so you can see the Google Earth layover under the image.

Howto share folders from windows to Linux

The Problem:

I use two machines, one is a Linux based and one windows based. I need to share files between them.

The Solution:

One option is to use a network hard drive. It might be quite slow though.

Other option is to use windows share documents option. It is not the safest methods, but surely one of the easiest.

On Windows:

- Right click on the folder to be shared and select “sharing and Security...”

- mark “Share this folder on the network”
- give a network name – best if only one word (it is not case sensitive)
- if you will need to change the files and not only to view them mark also “Allow network users to change my files”

On Linux:

Gui solution:
- go to “Places” -> “Connect
to Server..."
- switch to “Widows Share” on service type
- On “Server:” enter the windows machine IP number
- On “Share:” enter the name of the shared folder as was entered on the Windows sharing options
- if you use a different user name enter your windows user name on “User Name:”
- You can use an alias for this folder on the Linux machine by entering a new name at “Bookmark name:”

Now you can see and use the folder and files.

Or using mount (not Gui):

- create a new mount point (e.g. /mnt/windowsshare)

- Use mount command:
mount -t cifs //serverIP/shareName -o username=WindowsUserName,password=WindowsPassword /mnt/windowsshare

Or edit /etc/fstab file:

mounting windows share:

//XXX.XX.XX.XX/shareName /mountpoint cifs auto,owner,rw,username=XXX,uid=XXX,gid=XXX 0 0NOTE! - it will not mount on startup. need to do: "sudo mount mountpoint" to mount. one can add password=[user-passwd] after username=[username] or instead username and password : credentials=[path to a file containing user and password]the file should contain the remote system properties:username=[username]password=[userpassword]