Monday, May 25, 2009

HowTo view a ROI PAC file? (or "replacement for mdx")

The Problem:
I can't get mdx/dgx in order to view my ROI PAC files.
The Solution:
a Python script called roiview (Get RoiView at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads) wich is one of my other scripts.
This script uses pylab and can read, display and save images of ROI PAC quite similar to mdx/dgx.
it can handle *.unw, *.cor, *.slc, *.int and *.dem files.
just download, extract and use:
"roiview -h" for manual.
Update! Oct 13, 2010: A new version of RoiView (0.75) is now available at: Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

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