Following the instruction in the manual:
The initial steps are to connect the TSA-SMA to electricity, GPS and a computer via the USB device connection.
Then, connect to the device via serial connection.
On windows: read the manual and follow the orders using putty. Don’t forget to download the driver for the device from EQMet site (
install cu:
# sudo yum install uucp
get the tty of the connection:
# dmesg | grep 'tty'
on my system it was: ttyACM0 but it can be ttyS[1234] or serial.
next I connect to the device:
# cu -l /dev/ttyACM0 -s 115200
it takes a while to prompt for user and password (root,kmi) press enter if does not prompt.
I need to assign an IP based on the mac address so I check the mac:
# ifconfig
after I got the IP, it is easy to connect via http sftp and ssh.
for static IP, edit /etc/network/interfaces:
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static
address <IP>
netmask <MASK>
gateway <GATEWAY>
dns-nameservers <DNS-SERVER>
connect to the device via http.
Next go to Parameters:hardware menu option.
update to your preferable network-station-location-channel ID in:
- Network ID
- Unit ID and Site ID
- dig1 ChX ID
- dig1 ChX Location code
where X in channel 1, 2 or 3.
press OK.
Next, following the response mail I got for EQmet support regarding seedlink connection:
Sir,installe the RockToSlink module and add it to the workflow:
The limited version of Rockhound in the TSA-SMA does not support continuous recording. However, you can approximate continuous recording by adding the SEEDLink mirror module and configuring it to accept data from the RockToSlink module at address, port 18000 (or as configured). You should add this module after installing and adding in the RockToSlink module.
This module writes the received MiniSEED packets out to storage and breaks the files at approximately the specified duration (depending on MiniSEED packet contents). If you add this module, you should also consider adding an auto file delete module to avoid filling the storage. A file sender module may also be useful (SSH, FTP, or email).
The RockToSlink module for Rockhound is provided by ISTI, New York. The module and documentation is available from ISTI at
Technical support for RockToSLink is available from ISTI at SEEDlink is a public domain program and protocols. Support for these programs including detailed protocol descriptions or installation and setup of the programs is not provided by Kinemetrics.
Regards,EQMet, Technical Support
1. Download the rocktoslik module from
> wget -v
2. Unzip it:
> unzip
following the instractions in
3. sftp to the device:
> sftp root@<IP>
4. Change directory to module location:
> cd /usr/rock/SMARTSDist/injar
5 Upload the module-update jar file:
> put RockToSLink_update.jar
6. connect via ssh:
> ssh root@<IP>
7. Change directory to module location:
> cd /usr/rock/SMARTSDist/injar
8. Rename "RockToSLink_update.jar" to "update.jar"
> mv RockToSLink_update.jar update.jar
9. Reboot the instrument:
> reboot
Now add the RockToLink module to device layout:
10. In the device http menue Parameters: Advanced features, add options for Add/Remove Modules, Replace Modules and Advanced Modules.
11. In Module Add, add the RockToLink module.
12. Press apply changes now.
Now go to system operation and make sure all settings are correct.
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